Cartoons for Newspapers

CARTOONS IN NEWSPAPERS and other magazines and publications is still a requirement in this digital day and age. And, of course, their digital offshoots in websites and social media are often a lot more vibrant interesting with a cartoon or caricature illustration strategically placed. I was lucky enough to be commissioned by the Daily Mail […]

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Cartoonist in London

Cartoonist in London

I WAS BORN in Clapham, South London and after a brief time in Tadworth, Surrey, we moved to Hendon in North London. So, I have always been a cartoonist in London. As you can see from the above, I used to brand myself as The London Caricaturist as well; a soubriquet now shared with several […]

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Cartoons for Magazines

Cartoons for Magazines

Cartoons for Magazines IT MIGHT SEEM a bit odd to be talking of supplying cartoons for magazines in this digital day and age, but for ‘magazines’ you can substitute ‘text’. Anywhere where there is a lot of text and where a stock photo simply won’t do, a cartoon illustration, professionally drawn, will always ‘draw’ (excuse […]

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