The Best Caricaturist in London!

The Best Caricaturist in London!

CORPORATE ENTERTAINMENT and private parties have discovered a new attraction to add to their events in recent years. That is, the Live, On-The-Spot Caricaturist or ‘sketch artist’ as some people call us. Of course, the capital city, London sees an awful lot of these events throughout the year and the companies throwing parties for their […]

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Cartoonist in London

Cartoonist in London

I WAS BORN in Clapham, South London and after a brief time in Tadworth, Surrey, we moved to Hendon in North London. So, I have always been a cartoonist in London. As you can see from the above, I used to brand myself as The London Caricaturist as well; a soubriquet now shared with several […]

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Cartoons on London Taxi Cab

Cartoons on London Taxi Cab

IT’S AMAZING WHERE your cartoon illustrations can appear. Since around 2012, I have been lucky enough to have an annual commission from a film screenplay writer which consists of promoting her screenplay with my cartoons displayed on a London Taxi cab travelling around London for a whole month. Except for this one (left) which was […]

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