How can a caricaturist get on page one of Google?

How can a caricaturist get on page one of Google?

How can a caricaturist get on page one of Google?

I AM OFTEN asked: “How can a caricaturist get on page one of Google?” Okay, it’s me asking myself, as it’s a problem I have struggled with over the last three or four years.

Caricaturist on page one of Google
My domain name,, has been active for more than eleven years and has been redesigned and revamped more times than I care to remember. Initially, with website designers and then through my own efforts using the WordPress content management system. For many years I benefited from being on page one of Google for many appropriate search terms and, it may seem, complacency crept in. Additionally, it is likely that I adopted current practices for boosting websites which rapidly went out of style with Google and my site very likely fell behind with imposed penalties unnoticed by myself.

It is an odd modern marketing problem that SEO practices are becoming equally important to small businesses as their actual services and products. So, the business with the best SEO tactics will appear on page one of Google ahead of their less technically-savvy competitors. Even if those competitors may be providing something that internet searchers actually want. Nobody really knows what is going on behind the scenes at Google HQ as they tweak and update algorithms from one month to the next.

So, how is a caricaturist to navigate this new cyber-marketing labyrinth apart from simply concentrating on high quality artwork in a variety of disciplines? Well, there is a whole battalion of tools to use with WordPress to enable you to regain the higher ground. From Google Webmaster Tools through to all the available plugins, including Yoast SEO, it is easy to overload your site with speed -draining code and potential conflict problems. Treading carefully, as this site is slowly rebuilt, I am learning, with plenty of help from online experts, to simplify rather than complicate. As this is likely to be a work in progress for some time yet, please watch this space!

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