
Cartoons for Newspapers

CARTOONS IN NEWSPAPERS and other magazines and publications is still a requirement in this digital day and age. And, of course, their digital offshoots in websites and social media are often a lot more vibrant interesting with a cartoon or caricature illustration strategically placed. I was lucky enough to be commissioned by the Daily Mail […]

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Caricature of Norman Lovett

HALLOWEEN! AND IT’S Red Dwarf actor Norman Lovett’s birthday. So, he appears in the ongoing Caricature Diary along with lots of other famous people whose caricatures and portraits are drawn on each and every page. You can see the entire Caricature Diary HERE or at my Facebook Page.

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Caricature of Bernie Ecclestone

Caricature of Bernie Ecclestone

TODAY IT’S former Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone’s birthday! Happy birthday Bernie! Although never a Formula One fan, I have always been a fan of your looks and size – perfect for fitting into one of those tiny racing car cockpits. Some people might take umbrage by my emphasizing a person’s lack of height, but, […]

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Caricature Diary October 25 Pablo Picasso

Caricature Diary October 25 Pablo Picasso

TODAY’S Diary Caricature is of world famous artist Pablo Picasso. He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France. Regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and […]

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Caricature Diary – The Kray Twins

Caricature Diary – The Kray Twins

TODAY’S ENTRY in my Caricature Diary is the infamous London gangsters, the twins Ronnie and Reggie Kray who were born on this date in 1933. You can see the whole Caricature Diary HERE and here at my Facebook Page. Yes, villains as well as heroes are equally qualifiable for the Caricature Diary as long as […]

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