After I had finished my 2019 Caricature Diary, I started a new project which was unfortunately helped along by the beginning of the pandemic and Lockdown in early 2020. London Underground Caricatures was a project in which I drew caricatures of famous people who were connected in one way or another to every single station on the London Tube Network.

The celebrities either lived near each station, worked there, went to school nearby or visited local hostelries. In one memorable case – Jerry Springer – he was actually BORN at East Finchley Station, just inside the tunnel during the London Blitz of World War 2.

These, below, are a few of the caricatures presented in a format before I prepared them for publication in a book, Who’s Famous At Your Station?, currently available on Amazon. It has also be for sale in Waterstones and at The London Transport Museum.

ITV London News featured an interview with me about the project and the presenter Duncan Golestani gave very generous airtime to the caricature I had drawn of him. You can see that video HERE.

The original title, “Stars on the Tube” was disallowed as Transport For London hold the copyright to the phrase “The Tube”(!) A similar problem would have occurred with “London Underground Caricatures”, so I went with the self-explanatory “Who’s Famous at Your Station?”

The book is being revamped for a second edition with yet another new title: “London Station Stars” (which mentions the all-important London without being attached to any corporate entity) with higher resolution scans and a few textual corrections. So, watch out for announcements about that!

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