Cartoons for Newspapers
CARTOONS IN NEWSPAPERS and other magazines and publications is still a requirement in this digital day and age. And, of course, their digital offshoots in websites and social media are often a lot more vibrant interesting with a cartoon or caricature illustration strategically placed. I was lucky enough to be commissioned by the Daily Mail […]
Cartoon Exhibition: Astérix in Britain
Cartoon Exhibition Astérix in Britain: The Life and Work of René Goscinny at Jewish Museum until September 30th 2018 I HAD THE distinct pleasure of seeing this cartoon exhibition at The Jewish Museum in London. It is an exhibition about the life of the WRITER of the Asterix comic books, René Goscinny who was also a […]
Astronomy and the cartoonist
IT’S THAT TIME of year again when we amateur astronomers quiver with excitement at the prospect of viewing some shooting stars in the constellation of Perseus. Astronomy and the cartoonist might not seem such a likely fit, but some of us are gazing upwards to the heavens as well as downwards to our drawing boards. […]
Cartoons for Magazines
Cartoons for Magazines IT MIGHT SEEM a bit odd to be talking of supplying cartoons for magazines in this digital day and age, but for ‘magazines’ you can substitute ‘text’. Anywhere where there is a lot of text and where a stock photo simply won’t do, a cartoon illustration, professionally drawn, will always ‘draw’ (excuse […]
Cartoons for Books
Cartoon Illustrations for Books OVER THE YEARS I have had the pleasure of drawing many cartoons for books. I had a large number of cartoons and caricatures used in The Book of Football Quotations and supplied covers for The Lady In the Lords by Jane Ewart-Biggs and Gilbert and Sullivan, The Creative Conflict amongst many […]