Cartoons for Books

Cartoons for Books

Cartoon Illustrations for Books

Book with CartoonsCartoon Illustration in Bedlam in the Boardroom Book

OVER THE YEARS I have had the pleasure of drawing many cartoons for books. I had a large number of cartoons and caricatures used in The Book of Football Quotations and supplied covers for The Lady In the Lords by Jane Ewart-Biggs and Gilbert and Sullivan, The Creative Conflict amongst many others long since retired to an inaccessible box at the back of the attic.

Most customers in the Eighties and Nineties were mainstream publishers such as Allen and Unwin and Weidenfeld and Nicholson. These days, with the rise of self-publishing being very popular amongst entrepreneurs and other smaller businesses, I am most likely to be contacted by an individual.
cartoon Illustrations in The Smarter Working ManifestoPage from the Smarter Manifesto

How to use cartoon illustrations in books

A popular way to use cartoons in books is as a simple chapter divider. The main points of each chapter are encapsulated with an apposite illustration and the images are published at the start of each chapter.

The inclusion of cartoons in a book allows the reader to pause for thought and enjoy a moment of light relief between the main meat of the text. As they always say that ‘a picture paints a thousand words’, the cartoon can also impart a lot of information in one image.

SIMON IS A GENIUS at interpreting both personalities and concepts into fun cartoons. I have worked with Simon on a number of projects over the last 10 years and in my experience, he always gets it just right! – Jane Gunn, International Mediator and Speaker

You can see more Cartoon Illustrations HERE.

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