Cartoon on cover of magazine

Cartoon on Cover of Business Matters MagazineTHE MAGAZINE Business Matters commissioned me to draw cover reflecting the current Lockdown culture practiced by many SMEs and business people.

The habit of conducting Zoom meetings whilst only appearing smart on top was a major feature as was the domestic chaos and mess that can spread whilst working from home.

I wanted to introduce some optimism though, so the woman is looking bravely cheerful and on the horizon the sun seems to be rising on a much more hopeful looking 2021.

The publisher had a definite idea of how he wanted the cartoon to look and I followed his instructions whilst adding my own slants and details to the finished illustration. The other, more usual, way of working, is for me to extract visual interpretations from a manuscript of copy and to have them approved via a few rough drafts.

2020 seems to have been the year of my return to newspaper and magazine work, which was always my mainstay through the Eighties and Nineties. And I’m delighted to be back! In fact, I think it was directly because of one of my recent Daily Mail cartoons that the publisher of Business Matters got in touch with me.

If you publish any sort of publication – newspaper, magazine, newsletter or even website or blog where a few apposite and professionally drawn cartoons would go down well, please contact me!

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