Cartoon Map for International Mediator!

A RECENT job was a little different to my usual commissions. It was to be a cartoon “Map of Experience” to help with the training sessions of international mediator, author and keynote speaker, Jane Gunn.
Jane has been a much valued regular client and I have illustrated a couple of her books including Bedlam in the Boardroom and Boredom in the Bedroom with cartoons such as this:

You will see that the mole character has become a regular in her presentations!
When Jane approached me about the map she said she’d like it to be “Lord of the Rings-ish”. But it escalated with the number elements involved so that it developed its own style.
This is just one idea which could be adapted for any number of business or social uses. The map to achieving sales figures, for instance, or the map/journey of a person’s life to the day they retired or for their significant birthday, perhaps . . . You do the thinking and let me know how you’d like to use a cartoon map!