Caricaturist for Hire

Caricaturist for Hire

Caricaturist for Hire

Caricaturist for Hire at parties and Events

I’VE BEEN a caricaturist for hire at parties and events for longer than I care to remember! Starting out as purely a newspaper and magazine cartoonist, I very rarely, if ever, drew people from real life except for the occasional life class that I would attend. Besides which, translating the usual cartooning techniques into quick five minute versions takes a lot of experience and self-education into the shortcut formulae that can be employed to make it a success.

The first live,on the spot job I had was for an electronics conference in Brighton where I naively equipped myself with every single colour marker I had, to produce full colour caricatures. A very time consuming process and one which has only been made a lot easier these days with iPads with which I often produce full colour caricatures on the spot at parties. But as the bookings came in, I learned the techniques of quick black ink drawing and adding splashes of grey tone.

The types of events that you can get a caricaturist for hire are many and varied. Corporate parties, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, exhibitions, conferences, networking events, team building  and golf days, or just about any excuse people might have to have a bit of fun.

If you would like to book THIS Caricaturist for Hire, pleas contact me in the form below.

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