CARICATURE ILLUSTRATIONS are distinct from drawing caricatures as gifts in that they are intended for publication in newspapers, magazines, books or websites to illustrate an article or some text in particular. While they can be often included in a larger cartoon containing lots of other details, caricature illustrations concentrate on the person being commented upon in the publication’s article. The style of caricature drawing is more ‘satirical’ than a caricature drawn from photo as a gift. It is something that I grew up doing all the way through schools and colleges.

I have drawn many caricature illustrations for newspapers, magazines, books and websites in London and all round the world, as well as for my own pleasure. I have published a book of caricatures based on the London Underground stations, “Who’s famous at Your Station” available on Amazon. (Sept 2023: soon to be republished as London Station Stars with improved scans and text!)

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