Cartoon Exhibition: Astérix in Britain
Cartoon Exhibition Astérix in Britain: The Life and Work of René Goscinny at Jewish Museum until September 30th 2018 I HAD THE distinct pleasure of seeing this cartoon exhibition at The Jewish Museum in London. It is an exhibition about the life of the WRITER of the Asterix comic books, René Goscinny who was also a […]
Astronomy and the cartoonist
IT’S THAT TIME of year again when we amateur astronomers quiver with excitement at the prospect of viewing some shooting stars in the constellation of Perseus. Astronomy and the cartoonist might not seem such a likely fit, but some of us are gazing upwards to the heavens as well as downwards to our drawing boards. […]
Sketch Artist
[foogallery id=”1812″] OFTEN A Caricaturist is referred to as a ‘Sketch Artist’ because of the speed at which we work when drawing at live events. But many of us persist in pursuing ‘proper’ sketching in our spare time. It pays to keep practiced at observing and trying to accurately depict scenes with the correct proportions […]
World Cup 2018 – England through to quarter finals!
ALONG WITH THE whole nation, I was transfixed by the mind-bogglingly tense and stressful game between England and Colombia last night during World Cup 2018. Not only was I delighted by the result which should surely help build the national team’s confidence towards the game with Sweden but I was staggered by the unruly behaviour […]
Caricature pencil sketch of Howard Jacobson
HOW DID I come to draw this pencil sketch of Howard Jacobson? While the TV is on in the evenings, I am invariably scribbling in a sketchbook, particularly when the programme on show is on more for other family members rather than me. Often, I scan the news to see which characters are prominent but […]
Can a caricaturist be a portrait artist?
THE SKY ARTS Portrait Artist of the Year competition for 2018 is on our screens at the moment, for those of us who can watch Sky. As I don’t subscribe, I heard about this competition through a friend on Facebook and immediately set about preparing to enter. The deadline is tomorrow (Monday 19th March) and […]